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Monday, June 13, 2011

Generation 2 Part 3

Welcome back guys to yet another edition to Generation 2! This generation is really fun and I'm curious to see who they grow up to be. Let's dive on in and see what is happening.

Hey all! It's been a while and I have seen how precious time is in Kayla's growth. Last time you saw her she was so little and just turned 2. Now she is older and much more rumbustious. I wonder where she got that from?

Dad has been such a help in me keeping my sanity. Since he has doing great at work, (his ride is so right!) he has more time at home. He still spends a lot of time looking into his telescope, but when he isn't naming stars after his family members he is with his family.

Since Mimi has been pregnant, Dad has gone out of his way to make sure she takes it easy and relaxes more. When Mimi is focused on a task, there is no stopping her, so someone had to reign her in.

Also, Gabby has also been a great help, as usual, these past few months. She is kind of like a mother bird preparing a nest for her chicks. She helped Mimi shop for another crib, bought a ton of diapers in the 8th month and I think that she should be banned from buying anymore baby clothes. I would often wonder if she regreted never getting married, but she seems to put so much love into her family. I think she is going to be just fine. And hey, I love her to death!  :-)

So, this pregnancy has not gone as well as did the one with Kayla went. She had a lot of --


Umm...  a lot of morning sickness and back pain that lasted longer this time around. But Mimi is a trooper.




Well, any time now the little one is supposed to enter our world. Which gender is this one going to be? Well, that's a pretty good question. :-)


I wonder what's up?

6 hours later and we welcome Marcus Tanner to Twinbrook. Perfect! Babies have a great power of stealing any form of language from your mind. This is my child. My child! Mimi and I have brought anther human being into this Sim world. It's so exciting! Scary... Who is he going to be? 

Unlike last time when everyone from the east to the west decided to show up to the hospital, there was not a soul here. The peace and quiet as we walked out the front doors was unbelievable.

As soon as we get home, I realized that the only peace and quiet to be had was outside the hospital. Kayla, now 3 years old, was running from the dinning room to the living room singing at the top of her lungs. As soon as we stepped in through the front door and she saw little Marcus, she came to a sudden halt, almost falling and ran towards us. She jumped up and down until I picked her up so she could see her new sibling. She cocked here head one way and then another trying to grasp this new person. Defiantly a new favorite memory!

"Daddy, who is that?"
"Baby girl, this is your new little brother. Remember when mommy had a big belly?"
"YEA! It was huge!"
I just couldn't help but laugh at Kayla's statement even though Mimi didn't find it as funny.
"Yes, well there was a baby in mommy's belly and here he is! Your new baby brother Marcus!"
"Woooow.... He so little..." Kayla said as she gazed at her tiny boy in mommy's arms.


The next few weeks were... rough. I had completely forgotten how tiring and stressful it is to have a new born around. Dad, as usual has been a huge help! Like, for real, I have no idea what Mimi and I would do without Dad around. Also, Gabby is also the biggest help in the world. Mimi and I would not function so well without those two. Gabby has been so patient with me when it comes to Micky D's, because we have not been able to practice as much as we used to. But, since we don't spend as much time practicing, she puts that time into the kids.

As a four year old, Kayla is turning into quite the smarty pants. She plays with her blocks for hours and we even sometimes have to pull her away from them to get and get cleaned up. She is so much like her mom.

So, yesterday as I went out to the porch to chill for a while, I saw Gabby had a visitor. Her visitor of course came with a camera and notepad, but this seemed visitor. Gabby seemed upset, so I walked over towards her garden to make sure everything was ok.

"Hey, Gabby who is this?"
"Lance, make her go away! Now!"
I looked over at Gabby and she looked scared. She was breathing erratically and she looked pale. 
I turned to the paparazzi, "Alright ma'am, it is time for you to leave. I don't know what you said to my sister, but you are not welcome here! Comprende?"
The lady looked up at me seeming frustrated I had got in her way, but grabbed her stuff anyway and left.
"Hey, Gabby, are you ok? What happened?"
Gabby took a few deep breaths like her doctor always told her to in stressful situations. Finally she was able to calm down and start talking.
"She was mocking me, saying that the reason I wasn't married was because I was to insane for any man to love."
I began to get very angry inside but knew I should stay calm on the outside, "Aww, I'm sorry Gabby, but I hope you know it's not true. You are an amazing woman! You are great with the kids and I would trust you with my life!"
Gabby looked up in surprise.
"Really? Your life?"
"Trust and believe it woman! I love you so much and so does the rest of the family. That's all you need to believe! Ok?"
Gabby gave her brother a huge hug and accepted how blessed she was. 

Later that day as Mimi and I were putting the kids to bed, we realized how long it had been since either one of us had went out and had some fun. So, tonight it would be Mimi's lucky night; and let's just say that I have never seen someone ride away on a bike that fast in my life. :-)

The next morning, Gabby was over the incident and back to her normal self, well at least as normal as can be for her. Like, how she sleeps in her bathing suit or an evening gown normal, but that's ok, it's Gabby.

That night Mimi wanted to go out again to a party at her good friends house. Two nights in a row? Well, anything for beloved wife! Besides she looking banging in that outfit!

With all those brains Kayla has, she does not hesitate to want to be read all books ever known to Simkind!

The next morning Kayla is up quite early crying for food. So, of course the day is off to an early start. Oh aren't toddlers the best?


Marcus is now a toddler also. Woo toddler party at the Tanners! lol He is following right behind his sister in the smarts department. I wonder if they are figure out all the great questions of Simkind by 13?

As the munchkins have been getting older, Gabby and I have been able to hit the lounge more frequently to get our band's name out in hope of getting more gigs. We'll see if this works or not.


So, to help myself out some, I have been getting to know some more celebrities hoping that they would know someone who has a cousin who has a friend who has a uncle who is married to someone who has a brother.

It seems to be working, CHEESE!

At home, Gabby has been keeping all appliances under her command.

Also at home, Kayla, now 6, and Marcus, now 3, are not making the best of roommates. I thought this would never be a problem, buuuut... it is. If Marcus wakes up in the middle of the night, let's just say that I will not hear the end of it. 'Daddy!!!!' plus 'DADDY!!!' =  bad morning.

Look at my baby girl. She is getting so big! Off to school in the mornings to learn about who sailed the ocean blue and why 2 + 2 is not 3 is so exciting!

Since one of my chillen is currently not here and the other is knocked out, my wife and I are once again finally sitting down to eat together. I can't remember the last time we were able to do this. I guess this is one plus to your kids growing up to fast.

The downside is that they learn to argue in english.... -_- Time to figure out rooming solutions.

This Sunday is going to be special. I opened up the grill (which I got for free!) to grill up some hot dogs for the family.

Inside Mimi was helping Marcus to learn how to walk. My boy can't crawl forever! Come on now. :-)

We even had our maid freaking out at the sight of Kayla for the billionth time! Really, you would think she would be used to the Tanner's after 5 years. I'm just saying! :-)

The end to a perfect Sunday was Gabby and I having some time to ourselves.  For a change, I cooked an edible dinner as Gabby says, and we were able to just relax. Relax. Almost thought I forgot the meaning for a second there. A perfect Sunday!

ground shaking..........
eerie sound..........

Well, almost....

The End!

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